Supported URL parameters

The following URL parameters are supported in in the precedence order as described below:


  • open=prefix+ID: If location hash properties are not available, use this as a replacement. The browser will add the hash property to the URL immediately and not remove the URL parameter. Existing hash property takes precedence.
  • lang=xy: Specifies the language of the user interface. Possible values for xy include i18n, id: Bahasa Indonesia, ms: Bahasa Melayu, bs: Bosanski, ca: Català, cs: Čeština, da: Dansk, de: Deutsch, et: Eesti, en: English, es: Español, fil: Filipino, fr: Français, it: Italiano, hu: Magyar, nl: Nederlands, no: Norsk, pl: Polski, pt-br: Português (Brasil), pt: Português (Portugal), ro: Română, fi: Suomi, sv: Svenska, vi: Tiếng Việt, tr: Türkçe, el: Ελληνικά, ru: Русский, sr: Српски, uk: Українська, he: עברית, ar: العربية, th: ไทย, ko: 한국어, ja: 日本語, zh: 中文(中国), zh-tw: 中文(台灣)
  • libs=key1;key2;...;keyN: Specifies the current shape libraries. Possible keys are allied_telesis, android, archimate, archimate3, arrows2, atlassian, aws3, aws3d, aws4, azure, basic, bootstrap, bpmn, cabinets, cisco, cisco_safe, citrix, clipart, dfd, eip, electrical, er, floorplan, flowchart, gcp2, general, gmdl, ibm, images, infographic, ios, lean_mapping, mockups, mscae, network, office, pid, rack, signs, sitemap, sysml, uml, veeam and webicons.
  • clibs=key1;key2;key;...;keyN: Specifies custom libraries (keys are file IDs or URLs with a U-prefix)
  • viewbox={"x": int, "y": int, "width": int, "height": int}: Sets the initial viewport when you specify file IDs.
  • page=index: Starts with the given page (the default is the first page, where the index for the first page is 0)
  • page-id=ID: Starts with the given page ID (has precedence over the page URL parameter). To find the ID of the current page, right click on the canvas and select Edit Data. The ID is the first entry in this dialog.
  • hide-pages=1: Hides the controls that allow you to change the current page in lightbox mode.
  • ui=[kennedy|min|atlas|dark|sketch|simple]: Uses the Default (Kennedy), Minimal, Atlas, or Sketch editor theme and can set Dark mode or the new modern mode.
  • sketch=[0|1]: Disables/enables the sketch style (default is 1 for sketch theme and 0 for all other themes).
  • dark=[0|1|auto]: Disables/enables dark mode in Sketch, Minimal and Simple editor themes.
  • drafts=0: Disables draft states (does not save unsaved files in IndexedDB).
  • splash=0: Does not show the splash screen.
  • plugins=0: Does not load plugins.
  • format=0: Disables the format panel on the right.
  • picker=0/1: Disables/enables the Google file picker in dialogs.
  • thumb=0: Disables the creation of thumbnails in Drive.
  • chrome=0: Uses the chromeless read-only viewer.
  • target=[auto|self|frame|blank]: Opens links in the same window or frame or in a blank window in chromeless mode (auto is the default which opens relative links and anchors in the same window in chromeless mode, and all links in a new window in editing mode).
  • highlight=hex: Specifies the highlight colour (with no leading #) for links in chromeless mode.
  • rt=1: Uses chromeless mode with Google Drive realtime enabled.
  • edit=url: Adds a link for the Edit button in chromeless mode (use edit=_blank to edit the diagram as a new copy).
  • lightbox=1: Uses the lightbox in chromeless mode (larger zoom, no page visible, chromeless).
  • grid=1: Sets the default grid enabled to true.
  • nav=1: Enables folding in chromeless mode.
  • layers=1: Adds layer control in chromeless mode
  • close=1: Shows the Close button in chromeless mode which closes the window when selected.
  • rev=id: Selects a specific revision of a Google Drive or Dropbox file.
  • pv=0: Sets the default pageVisible to false.
  • sb=0: Starts with scrollbars disabled.
  • ruler=1: Starts with the ruler enabled.
  • toolbar=0: Disables the toolbar in chromeless mode.
  • border=60: Sets the border width used in lightbox mode (the default is 60).
  • p=id1;id2;...;idN: Selects which plugins to load. See the list of available plugins.
  • base=url: Sets the base URL to use for links (use this if document.referrer is not available in embed mode).
  • gitlab=url: Sets the URL-encoded path to a custom GitLab installation to use for GitLab file operations.
  • gitlab-id=ID: Specifies the client ID of the custom GitLab application when using a custom GitLab instance.
  • vars=json: Uses a URI-encoded JSON string for global placeholders for use in labels and tooltips where enabled, e.g. vars={"key":"value"}.
  • zoom=nocss: Disables the CSS zoom preview.
  • override-mime=1: Saves all Google Drive files as application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile.
  • template-filename=name: If the #U hash property is used but the URL does not contain a filename to determine binary mode. See the list of supported location hash properties.
  • math-output=html: Sets the math typesetting output to HTML-CSS.
  • nowarn=1: Suppresses the warning before an unload for local files.
  • svg-warning=0: Suppresses the warning for old viewers in SVG export.
  • search-shapes=value: Starts with given value in the search shapes box.


  • local=1: Uses device mode only.
  • sync=[none|manual|auto]: Enables/disables collaborative editing (default is auto).
  • save=local/remote: Enables/disables saving files locally (default is local). If this is disabled, then files are echoed via a servlet for a local save.
  • storage=device: Adds a device storage option for touch devices.
  • math=0: Disables MathJax support.
  • browser=0/1: Disables local storage as a storage location (0) or shows the browser option in the storage dialog (1).
  • gapi=0: Disables the Google integration.
  • db=0: Disables the Dropbox integration.
  • od=0: Disables the OneDrive integration.
  • tr=0: Disables the Trello integration.
  • gh=0: Disables the GitHub integration.
  • gl=0: Disables the GitLab integration.
  • drive=0: Simulates regardless of the domain name (uses the old app ID).
  • mode=[google|onedrive|github|dropobox|device|browser]: Switches to the specified mode.
  • offline=[1|0]: Registers or unregisters the progressive web app (all remote storage locations are disabled).
  • pwa=0: Disables the ability to (un)register the progressive web app (when installed it will stay installed).
  • stealth=1: Disables all features that require external web services (such as PDF export).
  • demo=1: Shortcut for db=0&gapi=0&math=0&picker=0, disables the splash screen and creates an empty, local diagram file.
  • url=url: Deprecated - Use U hash property #U{uri_encoded_url} to open a diagram from a URI-encoded URL, eg.
  • client=1: Runs in client mode. This displays a normal UI and sends a ready message to the opener or parent when the page is loaded. After receiving a message containing XML or compressed XML, a local file is created. The file is then set to modified so the connection to the window can be closed after sending the initial XML. Whether the XML is loaded again after a page refresh, depends on the caller implementation. Use proto=json to use a custom protocol for special cases.
  • desc={compressed-json}: Passes the CSV import descriptor (example). Works with the domain only.
  • embed=1: Runs in embed mode. Use this mode with only.
  • configure=1: Sends the configure event and waits for the configure action. See more about the embed mode.
  • create=url/name: Creates a new file from a template URL. If the value is not a URL and is not empty, the script will try to use window.opener[url]. In embed mode, window.opener[name] will be used to get the initial XML. Note that this requires the same origin policy in the opener/parent for reading the variable.
  • title=title: Sets a new file title (used with the create and url parameters).
  • notitle=1: Uses the default filename for new files (used with the url parameter)

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