Style connectors

The default connector style is a solid line with an arrow head at the target end.

Select a connector, then use the options and advanced properties in the Style tab, or the connector style tools in the toolbar to change the connector’s appearance.

The Style tab in the format panel and the connector tools in the tool bar let you change the style of a selected connector in

Tip: Copy and paste connector styles using the two buttons in the Style tab of the format panel - Copy Style and Paste Style.

Line style - Styles the ‘corners’ where a connector changes direction. Choose between sharp (default), rounded, or curved.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Colour - Change the colour of the connector and its ‘arrow’ heads with the colour palette. The default is black.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in Choose a colour from the default or larger colour palette, or enter your own hex colour code

Connection - Turn the default single line into a double line with no arrows (link) or one of two customisable arrow shapes. The simple arrow is a straight connection between the two shapes with no waypoints.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Pattern - Change the default solid line’s pattern to a dashed or dotted pattern of varying gap lengths.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Thickness - Change the thickness of the connector line. The default is 1pt.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Waypoints - Set predefined anchor points to change the path of the connector between two shapes. Choose between the default straight (no waypoints), orthogonal (with right-angled bends), simple, isometric,curved and entity relation.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in
Work with waypoints on connectors

Source and target ‘arrow’ heads - Select a connector head from the very large drop down list. There are many different types of arrow heads, as well as symbols for UML and technical diagrams. Choose None for just a plain line.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Line end and Line start - Set the size of the arrow head or symbol, and the space between it and the shape outline. Negative values for spacing will position the end of the connector inside the shape boundary.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Line jumps - Choose how overlapping connectors should be displayed. Choose between the default overlapped (none), with an arc, a gap or a sharp bend
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Opacity - Change the Opacity value to allow shapes underneath the selected connector show through.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Shadow and Sketch - Add a Shadow to your connector, or make your connector look roughly hand-drawn with Sketch.
Style your connector using the options in the Style tab in the format panel on the right in

Additional connector properties

Edit the values in the property list at the bottom of the Style tab to change additional connector style options.
Manually style your connector using key=value pairs in the Edit Style dialog

Set a default connector style

Style a connector on the drawing canvas first, then click Set as Default Style in the Style tab of the format panel.
Set a default shape or connector style in

You can see if a default connector style has been set by hovering over a connector in the shape libraries.
Hover over a connector in the shape libraries to see it styled with the default style

Manually edit a connector’s style

Use key=value pairs to define the connector (edge) style in the diagram editor configuration.

  1. Right click on a connector, then select Edit Style.
  2. Edit the style definition, then click Apply to save your changes.
    Manually style your connector using key=value pairs in the Edit Style dialog

Learn how to set a default connector and shape styles